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Postby hbpeter » Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:26 pm

Recently my home pc has been attatcked by a virus called Ukash. So far this has rendered the pc unusable. Till I get it sorted I have limited access to emails and all my files and data for the register. So if you have sent me an email I will get to you eventually.

So far all internet suggested solutions have failed. I have a couple of more things to try but if these don't work theres a chance I will have lost everything on the pc, all my photos the lot.

So please bear with me, and I will reply to emails eventually.

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Re: Virus

Postby Fred Dukes » Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:51 pm

Have you talked to Paul about it - He is the expert :wink:
Just general dogs body
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Re: Virus

Postby pbottomley » Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:37 pm

For about an hour......

A few days ago


Advice was given and as Peter is too far away for me to visit to sort it out, he is working away at the soloution (he already knew) and the recommendations i gave him. If i dont hear anything in a few days tops I know he has either given up sorting it and or sorted it and given up with PC's!

Personally i have given up with PC's altogether and moved several years back to Mac's... best advice in world frankly.
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Re: Virus

Postby hbpeter » Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:26 pm

Ok panic over, problem solved. Thanks to Paul and Dave1300gls for the advice, non of which involved a large hammer! Have managed to rescue the pc and nothing is lost.

Google a virus called Ukash, make sure you are well protected. According to the police its a well known scam and can pop up at anytime from any site. If you get this virus(you will be accused of viewing child porn), DO NOT PAY, report it to the police and then use another PC to find out how to remove the virus. It locks your PC and you can not do anything, couldnt even boot up in safe mode.

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Re: Virus

Postby dann01 » Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:41 am

Some useful info here.

Notes taken... Just in case.

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