club spares

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club spares

Postby lancsamb » Sun May 17, 2020 9:27 am

hi i am a new member, i noticed on the club spares page is closed on the 31/3/ , was this because of covid 19 or another reason and do you expect it to re open at some time in the future. thanks graham
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Re: club spares

Postby hbpeter » Sun May 17, 2020 10:38 am

Its closed because we are struggling to find volunters to run the spares, storage, packing , posting etc. Things are happening in the background and hopefully in the near future the scheme will be back open in some form.

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Re: club spares

Postby Fred Dukes » Sun May 17, 2020 5:49 pm

As Pete says we are struggling to find volunteers to run the scheme - I have been acting Parts Coordinator for the last 12months whilst we asked for volunteers - after a person to person letter to the membership we do have one or two exploring the possibility of taking on part of the activity so it looks like the possible outcome will be a number of people addressing sub sections of the parts holding. We are all volunteers and have to fit our commitment around our personal lives and the need in some cases to earn a crust!
If you would like to take on either the whole or part of the activity please get in touch and I can outline the task.
The Covid 19 situation is now constraining us moving forward so even moving the parts to another storage will not happen until the restrictions are relaxed.
Just general dogs body
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Re: club spares

Postby jpsmit » Sun May 17, 2020 6:16 pm

I emailed this suggestion to Fred, and, I apologize if I am speaking out of turn. Geography won't allow me to participate how I would like but, this does seem like one area of club life where I wouldn't mind paying someone to administer the spares scheme. There is the need to store/ catalog/ package and ship - could we add a percentage to make it worth someone's while?
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Re: club spares

Postby HC Fairley » Sun May 17, 2020 9:48 pm

jpsmit wrote:this does seem like one area of club life where I wouldn't mind paying someone to administer the spares scheme. There is the need to store/ catalog/ package and ship - could we add a percentage to make it worth someone's while?

I know what you mean, I think the problem with this is where does the club draw the line ?
The regalia rep does the exact same job, perhaps on a smaller scale but still has to store, catalogue, package and ship all orders and I assume deals with suppliers as well. The membership secretary sits down and works out who owes their subscription, every quarter, and then arranges for a reminder to be sent as well as confirming payments have been received. The editor sits down and churns out 80-100 pages of club magazine every year. The list goes on with all those on the committee who keep the wheels of the club turning. This is all done on a voluntary basis and during individuals free time. I'm not knocking your proposal or having a go at all, just wondering how do we deem who gets a cut and who doesn't for the work that is done?
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Re: club spares

Postby jpsmit » Mon May 18, 2020 2:12 am

Fair point, thanks for wading in
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Re: club spares

Postby Fred Dukes » Mon May 18, 2020 9:11 am

All things will be considered in a attempt to have viable spares support John :wink:
Just general dogs body
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