jpsmit wrote:this does seem like one area of club life where I wouldn't mind paying someone to administer the spares scheme. There is the need to store/ catalog/ package and ship - could we add a percentage to make it worth someone's while?
I know what you mean, I think the problem with this is where does the club draw the line ?
The regalia rep does the exact same job, perhaps on a smaller scale but still has to store, catalogue, package and ship all orders and I assume deals with suppliers as well. The membership secretary sits down and works out who owes their subscription, every quarter, and then arranges for a reminder to be sent as well as confirming payments have been received. The editor sits down and churns out 80-100 pages of club magazine every year. The list goes on with all those on the committee who keep the wheels of the club turning. This is all done on a voluntary basis and during individuals free time. I'm not knocking your proposal or having a go at all, just wondering how do we deem who gets a cut and who doesn't for the work that is done?