Carb leaks

Tips and help requests for your cars mechanics. points gaps, timming settings all those sorts of things

Re: Carb leaks

Postby nick_smith » Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:46 am

Hi Roy,

Fellow Bognorian here.

Are you able to share this pdf again? The link has expired and I’m trying to stop a leak from the bottom of the float chamber and calibrate my stromberg.

Thanks ✌️

RoyF wrote:
rolo7011 wrote:I have put out the float, and i put him right back,
but maybe the tab on the float is bent..
How can i adjust my float-level correctly?

that plastic thing I have not really tested, I will test it tomorrow



Whilst not Viva specific, the link below - start at p30 - shows a stomberg CD150 and the procedure for setting the float height. I did this recently on a couple of CD150s, its really quite easy.

With the float chamber (six screws) removed and the carb upside down, the floats will be in their closed position. Take a steel rule and measure at the highest point of the float relative to the carb body and the dimension should be between 15.5-16.5mm. Check this a few times until your sure. Then very gently, and by a small amount, bend the tab on the float until the height gap is in tolerance. Again, check that a few times until your certain all is correct.

Hopefully the attached guide is clear enough for you.

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Re: Carb leaks

Postby droopsnoot » Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:36 am

If you have a look at the profile for RoyF (just click on the username in the information block to the left of each of their posts) it says "Last visited:Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:45 pm", so he may well not see your request.
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Re: Carb leaks

Postby nick_smith » Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:41 pm

Oh haha, think I must’ve misread 2012 as 2022 without taking in the rest of the time stamp. Think Google might be more reliable than Roy!
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